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Re: Verisign and Certificates

Aha! This sounds more like it - a european company issuing certificates.

Can you possibly post a URL or e-mail for this "EuroSign"?

        Cheers... Mike


Finally having waited for Verisign to send back a certificate for a while we
have given up waiting.  Last time we had our certificate renewed they failed
to send out the renewal in time, I had to chase them on the phone.

Luckily versions 2.0 of Netscape and later do allow other CAs' certs if in a 
relatively patchy manner. As our business had come to a halt (from the
SSL perspective) I have now installed a EuroSign Certificate.

People expressed an interest in finding out what happened.  That is what
happened.  It is a bit of a nuisance, but I do not want to have this problem
every six months.
